COVID-19: Life in Your Hands

It is so interesting to know how we have been reminded that our lives are now in our hands.
Just think about it! Practically almost everything we do lies in our fingertips. Should we be thankful for the pandemic? Or just try to be disillusioned that our lives will never remain the same.
Of course, the world has been a global village even before now. But from out of the blue, most things we oft take for granted are practically becoming the norm!
With the COVID-19 pandemic stealing our entire spaces in less than three months, have we ever thought of doing our regular activities, virtually?
Have we ever considered doing away with one-on-one meetings, as much as possible? If they can be avoided?
Who would have thought our courtrooms could ever explore the best of technologies by "sitting virtually".
Could our governors and leaders ever have thought of short- Short-circuiting travels and just “zoom" away?
Ironically, we have had all of these apps staring right in our faces, but have never optimized them.
Recently, Concerts, interviews, lectures, seminars and indeed, family time have all gone virtual.
Television and the bulk of entertainment platforms are all mobile now. So much is being done and spent online. The list is endless!
Shockingly, they may not change anytime soon.
However, with our present realities of the pandemic and restrictions in movement; there is a lot to be addressed concerning data, free WiFi at most public places and indeed the general cost of staying online. Now is the time to review and set our priorities right, because Nigeria cannot afford to lag behind.
Our present realities are what developed worlds have addressed years ago.