The Importance of Planning Families Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

"Wait for me, baby plan with me". That song used to be a hit back in the days. I remember how the legendary Elegant Stallion, Onyeka Onwenu and the Great King Sunny Ade made that song resounding in the hearts of Nigerians.
The two stars were evidently passing a message across on family planning and Planned Parenthood.
Amazingly, as I listen to it once again, questions well up in my head.
A friend had jokingly said that the lockdown would have brought up unplanned pregnancies and some other issues, as some families were bereft of other “productive" things to do.
I think we should look at it cursorily, in terms of young people, who have been forced to be away from school; in terms of men who have been pitching their tents and firing at all cylinders.
Then again, we should talk abortions which just might skyrocket during this pandemic.
I think there is a need to draw the attention of upwardly mobile young people on preventive measures. Not forgetting about child spacing, which some families may not consider this period.
There are other issues to look at in child upbringing in these days of scarcity and want.
I chatted with an official working with the Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria and She says:
“We must remember to help our young people develop positive and good self-esteem in this hard time so that they don't give in to peer pressure and other juvenile problems.”
I think this is so apt right now, more than ever before.
Some people may have resumed work, leaving their teenage children out there, like Little Red Riding Hood, to the Big Bad Wolf.
As trying as the times are, we should be wary of the decisions we make....
We should be careful of our actions and inactions.
At the end of the day, what we will be getting tomorrow are the consequences of today's actions.
Justin Akadonye, Galaxy News