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Rivers New Administrator Takes Oath Of Office

Rivers New Administrator Takes Oath Of Office

Meanwhile President Bola Tinubu has sworn the former Chief of the Naval Staff Rear Admiral Ibokette Ibas (Rtd) as the Sole administrator of Rivers State.

GALAXY TV reports that the brief swearing in ceremony was held at the presidential villa Abuja on Tuesday.

Flanked by the State Chief of Protocol Ambassador AdeKunle Adeleke and other senior govt functionaries, the new administrator took an oath of office before the president.

Admiral Ibas Ekwe’s new position was made possible by the state of emergency declared by president Tinubu on Tuesday which ousted the executive governor of river state Similaye FUBARA, his deputy Ngozi Obu and members of the rivers state legislature.

President during the National Broadcast said the declaration does not affect the judicial arm of Rivers State, which shall continue to function in accordance with their constitutional mandate.

The president also said the Administrator will not make any new laws but is allowed to formulate regulations as may be found necessary to do his job. The regulations the President said will need to be considered and approved by the Federal Executive Council and promulgated by the President for the state.

Administrator Ekwe Ibas has since returned to Port Harcourt to assume his new position.

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